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Maleficent A maleficent clause (a Latin term that translates to “worse”) represents a penalty applied by insurance companies offering policies for motor vehicles in case of accidents.

This is used as an alternative to the bonus-malus system, which determines the merit class at the end of an observation period and involves a fixed percentage increase in the premium. Consequently, the policyholder is already aware in advance of the impending penalty.

The maleficent clause finds its predominant application in the realm of Truck Liability Insurance, especially when businesses are the ones entering into the contract.

It’s essential to note that the policy for a heavy-duty vehicle differs from the conventional two or four-wheel vehicle insurance in how the tariff is calculated. In this case, it depends on the vehicle’s capacity rather than its engine displacement. Also, there is a distinction in the use of maximum limits since truck insurance covers the policyholder for a certain number of incidents during the insurance year, regardless of the cost of the damages incurred. The maximum threshold for accidents is usually set at two or three, beyond which additional payments are required for coverage.

Truck Liability Insurance is frequently supplemented with additional guarantees. Among the most popular ones are roadside assistance, coverage for transported goods, as well as loading and unloading operations. Alternatively, there’s the comprehensive insurance policy (kasko), in which the insurer assumes risks associated with the vehicle’s operation, irrespective of the driver’s liability. Kasko serves to cover all damages not caused by others, instances where no one else’s civil liability insurance can be invoked, such as those related to overturning, collisions after leaving the road, or any other form of impact the vehicle might sustain while on the road.


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